Judi Lynn

I've only been to a few national parks. I prefer taking my horses and going on the trails in the parks.


Placed 11th

in their group

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What national park do you dream of visiting?

Redwood National Forest. I always thought it would be a breath taking place to stand under tall trees among nature. Imagine getting a guided tour on horseback, would be something you'd talk about for years.

What has been your favorite adventure experience?

Been a while, do to health issues. But I believe Yellowstone will always hold a special place in my heart. Going on family vacations as a kid and seeing Old Faithful. That was long before fancy buildings and gift shops. Just a dirt parking lot and a fence to watch Old Faithful. Traveling the park and seeing buffalo and bears.

What would you do with $10,000?

Spend some seeing some parks I've want to see, before I can't. The rest I'd use to go see my family and spend time with them.

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