Melinda Morency

Since 2003, I have traveled to every US state, and have been to 301 National Park units. I love learning abou the US, and seeing her beauty!


Placed 6th

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What national park do you dream of visiting?

Wrangell- St. Elias is definitely the one that I really want to go to. It is so remote and looks so beautiful! I would also like to re-visit Big Bend. I only got to spend about 4 hours there previously. That park begs for more exploration!

What has been your favorite adventure experience?

I was able to take a year and a half to explore a lot of America's national parks. Out of all the areas we visited, I really loved touring American Samoa. We got to hike in the national park, swim in the ocean, and tour the island, where we were able to meet so many wonderful native Samoans. Another wonderful experience was hiking in Death Valley with my family. This was our longest hike as a family up until that point, and my kids did so well, even in the heat.

What would you do with $10,000?

I would love to finish my goal to visit all of America's National Park units. There are over 420, and I 've been to 301. So close, but still so far to go! I also want to continue exploring with Scouting America, showing my scouts how beautiful the natural world can be.

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