Michelina Hollister

I love nature and every summer, I take my children and husband to a mountain, river, ocean, or waterfall and we explore.


Placed 14th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Michelina Hollister in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid the National Park Foundation in their mission to protect, preserve, and connect people everywhere to the wonder of parks.


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What national park do you dream of visiting?

I have always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon National Park to hike, explore and witness the grander that nature and America have to offer. The donkey and trail trips sound like once in a life time experiences and I want to share those experiences with my husband and four children (20, 16,10 and 8). My family would rather be in nature than at an amusement park any day of the week and The Grand Canyon would be my dream visit to explore for the shear magnitude and beauty to be found.

What has been your favorite adventure experience?

Three years ago, I took my family to the Badlands National Park and had my favorite adventure experience. In the Badlands I hiked over ridges, viewed vistas colored rainbow by the sun and experienced wildlife thriving in an inhospitable land. I found fossils from a prehistoric sea in a desert and had a rather violent encounter with a cactus. Witnessing the beautiful and ever changing lands was humbling and I am thankful to have had the experience with the most important people in my life.

What would you do with $10,000?

$10K is an incredible amount of money and I would use it to take my family on our dream exploring trips from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf in Texas. I would be able to go adventuring more often, exploring and fossil hunting and this is life changing. Unplugging and spending more family time doing things I love with the people I love is life changing. I would change my life with $10k. With or without 10k, I pledge to myself that I will explore and experience as much of the world as possible!

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Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Ultimate Explorer, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.

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