
I have been all over the world to see beautiful places in nature from oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. I love exploring deeply!!!


Placed 29th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Molly in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid the National Park Foundation in their mission to protect, preserve, and connect people everywhere to the wonder of parks.


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What national park do you dream of visiting?

I have a deep affinity for hot springs and pretty much every trip I plan includes at least one spring trip. I have never been, but would love to check out Hot Springs National Park to see their amazing waters. I've also got a real desire to see all the parks. I've been to many in California because I live on the West Coast. But, there's so many more that would be fabulous to experience. I dream of getting to stay in all of the parks some day!

What has been your favorite adventure experience?

That's an incredibly hard question to answer, as exploring the world is my favorite passtime. Getting to see a new place of incredible beauty, situate myself in a totally awe-inspiring context, and revel in the glory of the world around me are qualities that flavor each adventure with excitement and wonder. My most recent favorite adventure trip took me to Colorado and the Rockies, where I got to hike to an alpine lake with friends from college. I dipped into the freezing waters and rejoiced!

What would you do with $10,000?

$10,000 is a solid travel budget! I've never traveled on that high of a budget before. But, because the rig is already provided, I'd spend the rest of the money on gas for said rig, food for the road, a national parks pass, and camping passes for the journey. I have pretty much all the gear I think that I need, although maybe I would get a better bike lock and an attachment hookup to bring the bike on the back of the rig. I love writing postcards too --so I'd definitely invest in some stamps!

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Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Ultimate Explorer, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.

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